So this is my first post in a forum which I swore I would never participate in. Blogs: scary, public, egotistical, self-involved, useless, etc. But here I find myself. At first I wanted to have one of those poetic, spare blogs filled with poetry and perfectly composed photographs of models and landscapes and light. Then I wanted my blog to be funny. I have read a lot of excellent blogs in the past couple of days and it has proved mildly intimidating. The intimidation factor would be extreme were it not for that facts that I will not divulge my identity photographically or otherwise (the above is mom the year before she died) and also, no one will read this, which is why it isn't self-involved or egotistical - more like a diary where I am venting, trying to figure out my life, and musing on my current obsessions. Now I just want this blog to be truthful.
So the truth about me - I am not overly poetic or overly hilarious so I had to settle for just being me on these posts. I am a girl (a woman really I guess); I am unemployed and I have recently moved with my husband to a small ski town. I am not, as of yet, a winter sports enthusiast, but we will see. I watch too much TV, which is perhaps what keeps me from being a more interesting person. I am creative but I don't usually create. This is supposed to help with that.
My current obsessions:
horror movies
reading other people's blogs (it is so voyeuristic)
grammar (so if anyone ever reads this, please feel free to correct any grammar, usage, or sentence structure problems/mistakes you see)
training my willful 120 lb dog
my beautiful geriatric kitty
figuring out what the f to do with my life
cooking (roast chicken and vegetables with oven fries tonight)
not answering my phone - even when people I really, really like are on the other end
Nat the Rat's blog
So, I guess that's it for today. I am sure I will post quite often as I really don't have much else to do with my time, not having a job at all, ha! Well, all in all I think I am down with blogging.
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