I may be losing interest in my blog. Is there anyone out there? I know I have no followers, and I certainly don't know how to go about "sharing" this blog, but it is hard to keep going with it if there is no one even reading it. Writing is a relationship between the writer and the reader, wherein the writing is never complete unless someone reads it.
I finally got a job interview...to be a substitute teacher, but still. Not working doesn't work for me. I have gained 15 pounds despite working out and I drink wine pretty much daily. Not that I am an alcoholic. I am most certainly not, but I do enjoy wine with dinner and when you have no job to get to in the morning it isn't really that imperative that you have either no wine, or only one glass. So that has been weighing on me enough that I have decided to embark on a month of clean living. This means: one cup of coffee per day, max.; no alcohol of any sort unless I am using it in cooking (my clam chowder takes a 1/2 cup of white wine); daily exercise; absolutely no smoking at all, ever, and never again; healthy, mostly vegetarian food. I gotta get rid of this 15!!!!
So here are some things I know today....
- I don't feel like taking Banjo out for his walk
- A clean, uncluttered, cozy home can do wonders for your state of mind (mine is a cluttered, crazy mess so far today)
- cold feet are terribly annoying
- green or herbal tea makes you feel much better than coffee
- I have very little motivation
- this is becoming a negative Nancy type of list
- it is going to snow tomorrow (so they say)
Here are some things I don't know today....
- what to do with my hair (cut, colour, nothing?)
- how to get the pep back in my step
- what the point of writing this blog is.....
So, if you are out there....anybody. Make a comment. Say anything. What do you know/or not know today? Otherwise, I think I might be done with all of this blogging business.
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