This is me one year ago. A lot has changed since then. Oh, and this is a big step for me to actually publish a picture of myself. But then, no one really reads this and also I have been thinking about the events of the past year and I happened to have a picture of myself from a year ago. Anyway, in the past year I have a watched a best friend get married in Hawaii (a place I absolutely love), watched another best friend lose her father, saw 3 friends get pregnant (one baby has arrived so far), weathered a tragedy of my own, lost my job (it was expected as my teaching contract had ended), gained 15 pounds (ughhhhh, I am diligently working on reversing this), and moved hundreds of kilometers away from all of my friends and family. My friend Tracy said 2007 was my year; it was the year I got married. 2009 has not been my year. Some great things happened and some things that hurt like a mother effer happened. We decided 2009 is her year. Hey, you can't have every year, right?
What do we think about the idea of FATE? Sometimes I like to believe in it. I am not religious although I do believe in a higher power; because I lack religiosity (word?), I rely on the stance that everything happens for a reason. That means: there is a reason I don't have a job, a reason Russ blew out his knee 2 days ago and can't work (or walk), a reason for me to be living in the snow amongst the bears in this crazy little (tiny really) mountain town.
Have you ever heard someone say that you are exactly where you are supposed to be? That you are heading in the right direction even if you are going the opposite way you want to be going? That sometimes backwards is the correct direction? This makes me feel better when life is in a schmozzle and nothing seems to be going my way.
Today I have had a lovely bowl of oatmeal, a sunny walk in the snow, a softly snoring kitty in my lap and a promise of red Thai curry tonight. My house is cozy, my husband loves me (and more importantly, I love him), my dog and cat and family are all healthy, and we are supposed to get 15cm of snow in the next 24 hours. If this is "where I am supposed to be" then I guess it isn't so bad. I will just keep hanging in there until things start to sing for me again.
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